Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use

Welcome to the PTG website (website: ptgsource.vn)! We hope you enjoy your online experience with us.

PTG is committed to maintaining the trust of its users regarding its website. The following rules govern your use of this website.

Acceptable Forms of Use

Feel free to explore our website and, if possible, contribute materials to the site, such as questions, announcements, and multimedia content (e.g., images, videos).

However, the use of the website and any materials posted must not be illegal or offensive in any way. You must ensure not to:

(a) infringe on the privacy of others; (b) violate intellectual property rights; (c) make defamatory statements (including against PTG ), contain obscene content, or incite racial or xenophobic hatred, violence, or disorder; (d) upload files containing viruses or leading to security issues; or (e) in any way jeopardize the integrity of the website.

Please note that PTG reserves the right to remove any content it believes to be illegal or offensive from the website.

Data Protection

Our Privacy Notice applies to any personal data or materials shared on this website.

Intellectual Property

 . Content Provided by PTG

All intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks, in materials published by or on behalf of PTG on the website (e.g., texts and images) are owned by PTG or licensed to PTG.

You have the right to copy excerpts of the website for personal use (e.g., non-commercial purposes) provided that you retain and respect all intellectual property rights, including any copyright notices appearing in such content (e.g., © 2020 PTG).

 . Content Provided by You

You declare to PTG that you are the author of the content you contribute to this website, or you have the rights (e.g., permission from the rights holder) to contribute such content (e.g., images, videos, music) to the website.

You agree that such content will be treated as non-confidential and you grant PTG a free, perpetual, worldwide right (including to disclose, copy, transmit, publish, or disseminate) to use the content you provide for purposes related to Phat PTG's business.

Please note that PTG is free to decide whether or not to use such content and PTG may have already implemented similar content or received such content from other sources, in which case all intellectual property rights in such content will remain with PTG and its licensees.

Legal Liability

While PTG strives to ensure the accuracy of the materials on its website and avoid omissions, we are not responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions, interruptions, or events that may harm you, whether directly (such as computer damage) or indirectly (such as loss of profits). You assume all risks associated with relying on the materials on this website.

This website may contain links to external websites. PTG does not control third-party websites, does not necessarily endorse them, and assumes no responsibility for them, including their content, accuracy, or functionality. Therefore, we advise you to carefully review the legal notices of such third-party websites, including staying updated on any changes.

You may operate a third-party website and wish to link to this website. In that case, PTG  does not object to such linking, provided you use the correct homepage URL of this website (e.g., do not deep link) and do not suggest in any way that you are a subsidiary of PTG or endorsed by PTG. You may not use "framing" or similar techniques, and you must ensure that the link to the website opens in a new window.


This website is operated by PTG. If you have any questions or comments about the website, please do not hesitate to contact us by (i) Sending an email to [email protected] (ii) Calling the phone number: 1900.0057 (iii) Sending mail to

Customer Care Department


ADD: 60 - 62 Dong Du, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Phone: 1900.0057

Email: [email protected]


PTG reserves the right to change these terms of use. Please return to this page from time to time to review any updates or new information.